1. Vietnam Urban Forum : From 2004, URS has supported establishment of the Vietnam Urban Forum and became official member of VUF in 2012 (website link: http://www.vuf.vn/)
2. Global Alliance of Views (WWViews): URS has been a member of the Global Alliance of Views since 2009 and has become a partner in Vietnam for two global projects, e.g. the Global Perspectives on Global Warming Project (2009) and the Global Warming and Energy (2015) Project (website link http://wwviews.org/the-world-wide-views-alliance/)
3.Climate Change Working Group: Since 2009, the URS has joined the Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) in Vietnam, being an official forum coordinated by NGO Resource Center. The group brings together INGOs, Vietnamese NGOs, development agencies and other professionals with the aim to contribute to reducing the vulnerability of poor people in Vietnam to the impacts of climate change. Main activities of the group include information and knowledge sharing, advocacy and capacity development activities for environmentally and economically sustainable and socially just responses to climate change (http://www.ngocentre.org.vn/ccwg).